Published for You in Live Enlighten — Aug28, 2021

Finding your true passions — Importance of Questions

Find your passion to find purpose and fulfillment in life.

Live Enlighten


Photo by David Vilches on Unsplash

You may have thought about finding your passion in life or you may have thought about what to do in your life that makes you fulfilled. Doing things that get fulfillment in your heart is very important.

So many of you may be doing things that don’t make you fulfilled. You may be doing things that give you a fair amount of security or wealth, but if it doesn’t give you the fulfillment that you desire most in life, then no matter how many pleasures it is giving you, you will not be happy or fulfilled with life.

So, you need to understand what all things to do that makes you fulfilled. That is, you need to find your passions in life. I don’t say passion in life, I will say passions in life. There are so many things that you are passionate about. It will not be only one thing; it will be many diverse aspects of your life.

I have written an article about how to find the purpose of life and now I am writing an article about how to find your true passions. Click to see the article about finding the purpose of life.

There’s a difference between the purpose of life and your passions of life. The purpose of life is the vision about your life, your meaning of life, and or it is a clarification that this is how you should be living, or an understanding that you should do things in this way etc. It’s different for different people.

The passions are the things that is integrated into your purpose of life. The passions of life will ultimately meet your purpose of life. So, follow your passions, dreams and objectives and it will lead you to your purpose in life.

You should carefully think out your passions and discover it. So, let’s understand how you can find your true passions.

Mastering Internal Communication

We all have internal communication going on inside of us. Ultimately the quality of our life is determined by how we speak to ourselves.

There are two kinds of communication going on in your life. One is the external communication, that is, what you speak to others. The other kind of communication is internal communication. It is the dialogue going on inside of you each and every moment.

The quality and reach of your external communication depend upon your internal communication. If you have a positive and grateful conversation going on inside of you, then the quality of what you speak to others will also be like that.

Our whole life, the decisions that we take, the attitude we have now, the pleasure and pain we are experiencing and the beliefs that we have gathered are all because of the internal communication. So, the quality of life, whether you are fulfilled, grateful or successful are all based on how you speak to yourself.

It is so important that you master communication. Both internal as well as external communication. If you take the time and master your internal communication, it will automatically change your external communication.

If you change your internal communication in a positive and empowering manner, it will influence people to you, you will be more at ease with life and even your perspective of life could change in a tremendous grateful manner.

If, however you have a habit of negatively speaking about people, events or situations, like even thinking about how bad the situation is, can cause your happiness to go way down. You will be disempowering yourself and the quality of your doings and ultimately your success will get affected. It’s really important to have an empowering dialogue going on inside of you each and every moment in your life.

An exercise that you can do about having a quality internal communication is this. First of all, make sure that you need to change your internal communication. If you are thinking about matters that makes you suffer, or if you are complaining about external things and events etc. then understand that there is a need for changing your internal dialogue.

After that, try to spot negative thinking. Whenever you are negatively thinking about people, events, situations or even yourself, immediately change your dialogue to positive, empowering ones. For example, if you think that a person is causing you trouble, and he/she is treating you like trash, immediately change your dialogue by asking empowering questions. Can anyone treat another as trash? Or is it just that I am considering that they are treating me like trash? How can I change the situation around? Am I trash to myself? Obviously not. You won’t be trash to yourself.

So, asking yourself these kind of empowering questions can get empowering answers and your internal communication will change to a positive, and meaningful manner. For changing your internal communication, you need to ask yourself empowering questions. Let us understand the power of asking questions.

The Power of Asking Questions

Whatever questions that you ask yourself, you will get an answer to that. If you ask a lousy and demotivating question, you will get a lousy and demotivating answer. If you ask an exciting question, you will get an exciting answer. For example, if you ask yourself why your life is so painful, you will get so many answers about why your life is miserable.

Instead, if you ask why your life is so grateful for such great experiences, you will come up with answers to that. So, it’s not about the external events or situations that control you, instead, it’s the questions that you ask yourself that truly dictate your quality of internal communication and ultimately your life.

How can we utilize the power of questions to find your passions in life? Simply ask yourself what your passions are. Then write it down, until you find your true passions. I can give you some questions that you could ask yourself to find your true passions. Some of them are:

1. What am I truly passionate about in my life?

2. What all things dictate the quality of my life and how is it related to my passions?

3. Do the things that I do now are actually my passions?

4. Is my life passionate or not?

There are so many questions you can ask yourself to find your true passions. Find out and write down a list of empowering questions that will help you in finding your true passions. The important thing that you should consider is that ask yourself empowering questions rather than lousy questions. Whatever questions that you ask you will receive an answer, so make it empowering and positive.

Asking empowering questions will lead you to better internal communication, and the more the quality of internal communication, the more the quality of your life. Ask empowering questions, take charge of your internal communication, improve your quality of life and find your true passions.



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